Nov 19, 2020
This week, Allison Gingras and our guest Kelly Sakmar take on
the tough topic of pregnancy and infant loss. Both women share from
their hearts about their own experiences with loss and discuss ways
to find peace and healing in grief. Some resources they talk about
Be Not Afraid, a private
Nov 12, 2020
This week, Allison Gingras and Danielle Bean share a lively conversation with Bishop-elect William (Bill) Byrne. Bishop-elect Byrne has served as the pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Potomac, Maryland since 2015. He will be installed to his recent appointment by Pope Francis to serve as the Bishop of the Diocese of...
Nov 5, 2020
This week, Matt Archbold joins us on the Catholic Momcast to talk about his newest book American Antigone, a novel that looks at the issues of life as we experience them in the United States today. This is a creative work that can inform and inspire readers of all ages to think clearly about political and moral topics...