Aug 26, 2021
This week, children's book author Jennifer sharpe joins Danielle Bean for a discussion of how to not just survive but THRIVE with kids at Mass.
Jennifer's unique, award-winning book is My First Interactive Mass Book from Ascension. This hands-on book helps kids learn more about the church, the Mass and their Catholic...
Aug 19, 2021
This week, Lisa Hendey and Danielle Bean talk about the importance of grandparents and the pivotal role they are called to play in their grandchildren's lives.
Lisa shares about how she recently became a grandmother and they joy this sweet little girl is already bringing to her life. They also shares thoughts on what...
Aug 12, 2021
Allison Gingras and Danielle Bean share ideas about making your home a "domestic church." What does that mean, and what is the value and importance of Catholic "stuff" like statues, pictures, medals, crucifixes, and holy water?
Some links to some of the favorites they mention:
The Catholic Company
Aug 5, 2021
Our special guest this week is illustrator and graphic designer Ted Schluenderfritz. Ted is the illustrator for the book, Portrait of the Son, which we featured in last week's podcast interview with author Josephine Nobisso.
But today, Ted is sharing about a new initiative he and his family have begun: 5 Sparrows is...