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Catholic Momcast

Jun 28, 2023 founder, Lisa Hendey, and co-host Bayleigh Westerlund welcome Joel Stepanek, VP of Parish Services for LifeTeen International from the floor of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in Anaheim, CA.

Joel is Vice President of Parish Services for LifeTeen International guiding several teams that support Catholic parishes in creating and sustaining vibrant youth ministries that form passionate Catholic evangelists/disciples. He is a sought-after speaker who has traveled across the world speaking to groups of all sizes, ages, and vocations. An author of several books, including, "Chasing Humility: 8 Ways to Shape a Christian Heart", he co-authored, "The 99", an evangelization program from Ascension Press. Joel holds a Masters degree in Religious Education and in Organizational Leadership. Joel is married and has 3 children. 

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