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Catholic Momcast

Apr 26, 2023

Allison Gingras and Bayleigh Westerlund welcome catechist and creator of Kids' Liturgy show, Heidi Witte, in this series from the Los Angeles Religious Education Conference.

Heidi Witte and her husband Mark create free Children's Liturgy of the Word episodes on the Kids' Liturgy YouTube Channel. She has served as a...

Apr 19, 2023

Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome Catholic Mom contributor and author of A Sacred Look, Sister Nancy Usselmann from the floor of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.

Sr. Nancy is the Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies and a Media Literacy Education Specialist. She is a theologian, national...

Apr 12, 2023

Lisa Hendey and Allison Gingras welcome Fr. Peter Pomposello from the Archdiocese of the Military for a wonderful conversation about both military and priestly vocations from the floor of the LA Religious Education Congress.

An encouraging word from Fr. Pomposello: To ALL CATHOLIC MOMS: Do Not Be Afraid! If Our Lord is...

Apr 5, 2023

Allison Gingras and Maria Morera Johnson unpack St. John Paul II's 1986 Angelus address in Australia, encouraging the faith to be Easter People.

ON Nov 30, 1986, Pope St. JOHN PAUL II during the Angelus in Adelaide, Australia offered the following words of encouragement, inspiration, and catechesis, “ 

“We do not...