Mar 4, 2021
This week, our guest on the Catholic Momcast is Nicole O'Leary. Nicole sits down with Danielle Bean for a discussion of the Mass with a special focus on ways we can grow in our understanding of it and love for it during the season of Lent.
What really happens at Mass? The pandemic forced many of to come to terms with some ways we have been taking the Mass for granted. How can we show greater reverence for Jesus' real presence in the Eucharist and the great gift that the Holy Mass is, even if we are not able to attend in person?
Nicole shares from her personal experiences as well as her work at Family Rosary. You will find a wonderful variety of Lenten resources and inspiration at the Family Rosary website.
How about you? How has your appreciation of the Mass changed, especially in light of events in the past year? We love to hear from you! Please email us at or connect with us on social media.